10 Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners


Social media has become an integral part of our lives, not just personally, but also professionally. Gone are the days when marketing of the business is done through word of mouth. These days social media marketing is being widely used by business owners to market and promote their business. Social media marketing is nothing but creating awareness about your business and your products among the users on various social media platforms. The primary purpose of social media marketing is to bring traffic to the business page, gain more customers and increase the reach of the products.

There are various popular and highly used social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. From small to medium to large scale business owners have been highly relied on social media marketing as it is the fastest and most efficient way to reach the target audience and make the business grow. As people spend a lot of their time on social media these days, there are high chances that business owners can find the right customers or clients through the platform itself. Many businesses have lately been successful through social media marketing.

10 Helpful Tips For Social Media Marketing For Beginners

men browsing socia media on laptop (animated)

However, it is not everyone’s cup of tea to do digital marketing. There are certain tips to follow to make social media marketing success and gain good profits from it. If you are a beginner and looking for the right social media marketing strategies, you landed on the right page. We have shared 10 social media marketing tips for beginners in this article. These tips will help you increase the traffic and also the customer engagement with your business.

1. Study Your Audience

You have to first know who your target audience is and then start your digital campaigning. Once you are clear about whom you want to make your target audience, it becomes simple. You can connect with them through social media platforms, follow them and create interest in them with your business content. After finding the target audience, provide them with the feed they like to watch and read and go through. Create relevant information for your clients so that they come back time and again. Knowing your audience will help you derive a proper social media strategy for your business. So, don’t forget to connect with your audience on a genuine level.

2. Be Specific with your Goals and Objectives

If you are looking to kickstart your social media marketing to take your business to another level, you have to be very specific with your goals and objectives. Your marketing strategies and goals should always fall on the same page. It is a very good thing to jot down the goals on a paper as it increases the success rate to 30% as per a study. Set both short and long-term goals and work on achieving them one by one. It is also very important to set deadlines and be goal-oriented all the time.

3. Images Matter

The images or the short videos advertising your product or service could be of great help for your business as they are proven to have a quicker reach than the regular content. Whenever you are to make a post on your social page, make sure to add a relevant image to it. Most the social media users get connected to the products through the images. Also, make sure the image you posted itself speaks volumes about your product or service. Maintain your style with all your images so that your consumers can identify your business page even if you are in a huge crowd.

4. Don’t be on every social platform

You need not necessarily be on every social platform available. Instead, focus on a couple of social platforms and try to make an impact through them. If you create accounts on multiple social media platforms thinking of promoting your business you may not be able to handle them all. Especially when you are alone and you own a small business, most of your time is consumed by making posts. Analyze which social platforms are apt for you and where your business has scope to expand and reach more audiences and focus on those platforms only.

5. SEO is the Key

Optimization is very important to grab the attention of the target audience. You can use SEO tools to get the optimization done for your business. By optimizing according to the business standards you are getting close to the audience. To optimize, you have to first put out the right profile picture on your account, maybe yours, or if you are a team your team’s picture or the business logo. The next is the description that explains your company. Also, don’t forget to attach the link to your website in the bio.

6. Let the tools empower your strategy

Posting manually consumes a lot of your precious time and you cannot concentrate on other aspects of your business if you sit with the postings. That is exactly when you will need the tools to automate the process. You can rely on social media tools like SocialPilot to schedule the postings on your behalf. You can simply create the post and leave the posting work to the tools which will do it on multiple social media pages as per the schedule. Make sure to include hashtags in your posts so that it creates interest in the customers. By assigning the posting job to the dedicated tools, you can be more productive and focus on other important things.

7. Giveaways Works Wonders

Lately, giveaways have become quite famous and most businesses are offering giveaways to attract customers. They directly increase the traffic to the page and also enhance the engagement of the customers with your products or services. You can run contests at least twice a month to keep the customers active on your page. You can think of the best contest you can go with depending on the interests of your audience and run the contest accordingly.

  • Come up with exciting prizes.
  • Highlight the deadline.
  • Promote the contest with images and short videos to create excitement in the audience.

8. Be Particular about who you are following

Your followers are very much interested in whom you are following. So, be very particular about who you are following. Find the mavens in your niche and follow them first. Whether they follow you back or not is secondary, but what matters the most is you are following them and getting the input you need from their feed without missing. Your page will likely fall in the good books of the followers of the maven you are following and there are high chances that they follow you back.

9. Don’t Overdo

Posting updates about your business and products is very significant, but not to an extent that your followers get sick of your posts. You should not be too frequent with your posts when it comes to posting on social media pages. On average you have to post no more than 7 times a week. However, this varies with the social platform you are using. The above ratio works with Facebook, but with Twitter, you can tweet as many times as you wish and the effect is also pretty good on your business.

10. Decode the Success Secret of Competitors

Your competitors are your real teachers in this social marketing business. You have to seek a lot from their pages and the content they post. Taking inspiration is nothing wrong when you don’t copy the content or the idea. You have to just look at the depth of their research and decode their success secret. Find out what works for them to create an impact on the audience and how they made it big in the business. You can also talk with them directly through chatting and ask them yourself about their business. Though they may not reveal their success secret, they will surely let you know some tips that can help you with your business.

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Luella is an enthusiastic senior editor with several years of experience writing for a variety of platforms, media sources, and corporations. She has a master’s degree in education and a bachelor’s degree in law, and she is currently pursuing her doctoral degree in education. She is dedicated to developing original content based on a specific topic. Her writing is detail-focused and has the ability to analyze selectively and synthesize relevant information.

As a master's-degree level professional, Luella is well-versed in researching and obtaining quality sources to support any claims made in her writing.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, and traveling.

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